Friday, January 8, 2010

Winter Time Again: Cape Cod

Winter Time Again: Cape Cod is a package design that was a project for class. It is a DVD video cover for a possibly upcoming video that outlines what elements are delt with on a daily basis of a skateboarder. The inspiration behind it is the skateboarding that goes on in the streets of Cape Cod (mostly the Hyannis area) during the harsh winter months in New England. Although it is cold and a lazy time for most people, there is still motivation amongst a few dedicated skateboarders. Whether it be shoveling the local park with the hope that it will dry soon, or bundling up in single digit degree weather so that skateboarding can be possible. There will always be those few people and this video is to show why. This project was made entirely in Illustrator with lettering that was created by myself with the paint brush tool. The cover image of Kenneil Woolery was shot with a Cannon powershot digital camera hours before the Cape got hit with a foot of snow. the image was cropped, dropped to grayscale, and posterized at a level of 6. As was the back of the cover image of my buddy Lawrence Baker. I can't say that I learned anything specifically from this project. Just my building knowledge of the last few months was put into this project.