Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Nashua Street Park: Boston, MA

InDesgin has definitely been one of my struggles in the graphic design world. Our project was to create a two page spread as would be seen in a magazine. My article was on Nashua Street Park in Boston on the Charles River. This spot is one of my favorites to go to when I go to Boston. The article outlines what would want to be known at a great spot for a skateboarder. 1. What is the location?, 2. What other spots are near it?, 3. Where can I get a bite to eat?, 4. what is the place ever have?. In this article I answered all those questions to the best of my knowledge. I used a teal background with yellow type which I thought would match. I have two pictures that show it that were taken from the internet. All in all I think it's okay. Not the best of my work.

transformation: take 2

This was my second take at the transformation project. I tried to go for more of a ghostly look rather than an animal since Halloween was right around the corner. This project was hit with a lot of filters in Photoshop such as film grain, chrome, plastic wrap, and cutout. I used the airbrush to give the image a eerie green tint with a green glow. The background was a brush tool that I made black. Again I didn't lean much from this project. Just using skills that were already known.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

transformation: take 1

This was my first shot at the transformation project for my graphic design class. I used many of the artistic filters such as cutout, palette knife, paint daubs, and underpaintng in Photoshop CS3. I dropped the original image to grayscale and used an mage of a cartoon tiger for the head. This project actually introduced me to many of the different filters in the Photoshop CS3 program.

Friday, January 8, 2010


This project was to practice the tracking and leading feature in Photoshop CS3. The mage of Cape Cod was taken from the internet and painted black in Photoshop. I was never aware of t he the option for tracking and leading before this. Originally I thought o space lettering you would have every letter on a separate layer and place them in the order you wanted. I'm glad I was wrong about that one, this is a lot easier.

Winter Time Again: Cape Cod

Winter Time Again: Cape Cod is a package design that was a project for class. It is a DVD video cover for a possibly upcoming video that outlines what elements are delt with on a daily basis of a skateboarder. The inspiration behind it is the skateboarding that goes on in the streets of Cape Cod (mostly the Hyannis area) during the harsh winter months in New England. Although it is cold and a lazy time for most people, there is still motivation amongst a few dedicated skateboarders. Whether it be shoveling the local park with the hope that it will dry soon, or bundling up in single digit degree weather so that skateboarding can be possible. There will always be those few people and this video is to show why. This project was made entirely in Illustrator with lettering that was created by myself with the paint brush tool. The cover image of Kenneil Woolery was shot with a Cannon powershot digital camera hours before the Cape got hit with a foot of snow. the image was cropped, dropped to grayscale, and posterized at a level of 6. As was the back of the cover image of my buddy Lawrence Baker. I can't say that I learned anything specifically from this project. Just my building knowledge of the last few months was put into this project.